Preparing Athletes for The Future

While Enhancing Team Success

A unique approach to helping college baseball players prepare for life after sports.


The Problem

  • 72% of retired college athletes feel there are not sufficient support programs available to help them transition out of sports.

  • Only 33% of student-athletes say they have adequate resources to manage their mental health effectively.

  • Nearly 60% of college athletes feel unprepared for the transition into life after sports.

  • 30-35% of retired college athletes experience symptoms of depression, significantly higher than the general population's average of 17%.

  • Over 40% of student-athletes experience performance anxiety which negatively impacts performance and well-being.

  • 45% of former college athletes struggle with identity issues post-retirement.

How We Solve It For You

We coach student-athletes to utilize frameworks rooted in their sport to prepare them for life beyond the game. This unique approach helps them to understand their future “life after sports world” in the context of their current world - use a known (baseball) to learn about an unknown (their future).

Baseball is the greatest teacher for life. When athletes don’t recognize the lessons they’ve learned from playing the game, many feel like they need to start over once they leave the game - leading to depression, loss of identity, and an unclear future.

Discover Yourself

Our Called Up Coaching program helps identify players' unique strengths, interests, and values. We'll work with athletes to understand what drives them and what they want to achieve - on and off the field.

Work With Teammates

At Called Up Coaching, we capitalize on a team's greatest strength - each other. We help create a strong community amongst teammates that goes beyond the game, all while utilizing lessons learned from their sport.

Take Action

With our guidance, players will be ready to take action and make the transition to their next chapter. We help athletes grow and maintain accountability, while providing ongoing support as they work towards achieving their goals.

The Called Up Solution

Not only helps college baseball players appreciate the value of their athletic experiences, but also equips them with the skills needed to thrive in their next chapter. By understanding the relationship between their athletic, personal, and professional lives, athletes can develop a proactive approach to their future - ensuring they are well-prepared for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

Unleash Your Athletes' Potential.

Let's embark on this journey together.

Phone Number: (203) 913-3388

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